First class were busy today potting on sunflowers that had become too big for their pots. They added some more compost to bigger pots before planting the sunflowers into their new bigger homes. The leaves had started to turn yellow as the plants were not getting enough food or water. Hopefully they will make a full recovery!
Continue ReadingApril Assembly Hosted by First Class
Ms. McCabe’s first class hosted assembly at the end of April and they did a super job! The pupils were excellent announcing birthdays, gaeilgeoirí na míosa and news, as well as presenting their work to the school.
Continue ReadingPollination Workshops
First and fourth classes were lucky to have a pollination workshop with Edel Heeran this week. Edel is a beekeeper and she spoke to the classes about wild bee species in Ireland, how they are in danger and what we can do to help them. Edel also spoke about the honeybee, and had some frames from a hive to show the pupils, as well as some honey for them to taste. We hope to reduce the amount of grass we…
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